This wild story revolves around a con man named Tom Baker, who had a knack for stealing Ferraris. Baker, an airline pilot and smooth talker, first convinced a North Carolina dealership to let him test drive a 1989 Ferrari 328 GTS, which he never returned. He repeated the scam in Long Island with a 1985 Ferrari Testarossa.
In 2003, Baker entered Algar Ferrari/Maserati in Philadelphia, claiming to be the CEO of a California tech firm. He asserted he was ready to make a down payment on an F50, provided it met his performance standards during a test drive.
The dealership eagerly handed over the keys, and Baker sped away with the F50 at 100 miles per hour, disappearing once again. Motors Insurance Group had to cover the $375,000 cost to reimburse Algar for the stolen vehicle.
The car resurfaced in 2008 when FBI agents seized it from a Kentucky physician who had bought it from Baker. After Baker's arrest, the F50 was stored. Before his sentencing, two FBI agents allegedly tried to move the Ferrari to another facility, crashed it into a bush, and totaled it.
To this day, Motors Insurance Group continues to demand repayment from the federal government and an explanation for why the agents were driving the car. However, the Department of Justice (DOJ) maintains that the Ferrari was held by the FBI for an investigation and refuses to pay any compensation, insisting they are not liable.
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Nick Aylieff | Classic Motors For Sale |